What do businesses need to do?
From 1 April 2022 it will be illegal to put rebated fuel into the tank of a vehicle, vessel, machine or appliance that is not able to use it.
If you are no longer allowed to use rebated fuel:
• Talk to your AID Fuel Oils about your plans.
• Plan to run down the fuel in your vehicles or machine before 1 April 2022.
• If you sell or dispose of your rebated fuel keep a record of how and when the fuel was disposed of, or who it was sold to and when.
• Keep a record of your purchases of red diesel in the months ahead of the April 2022 deadline.
• Do not stockpile or increase your orders ahead of the deadline. Under RDCO rules, distributors are not allowed to supply more rebated fuel than a customer no longer able to use it may realistically use before the rules change.
You will not be expected to flush out all traces of rebated diesel from the fuel tank of a vehicle or machine.