Founded in 1919 at the end of World War One, the Women’s Engineering Society (WES) celebrates its centenary in June 2019. Originally founded as a response to the pressure faced by women to give up jobs in engineering to make room for men retuning from the armed forces at the end of the war - WES promotes engineering as a rewarding career for both women and men.
The charity and professional network consists of female engineers, scientists and technologists offering inspiration, support and professional development. WES is currently challenging the barriers faced by women returning to the STEM workforce after having children. An estimated 20,000 women who left the field to have children now wish to return and WES is making every effort to help them.
STEM Returners is an initiative developed by the Women’s Engineering Society to make it easier for women to return to work following a career break. The movement encourages employers to run ‘returnships’ that would help women return to the workplace and get their skills up to date. The STEM Returners website also features a ‘gender decoder’ for job adverts that are ‘masculine-coded’ and likely to put women off applying.
The Women’s Engineering Society hopes to continue its work to bring more women and more variety in the STEM professions. You can find out more about its mission on the website here .