Contamination of greases and lubricants can cause a myriad of problems for machinery including over-heating and bearing failure. In some cases these issues can result in expensive repairs or even the writing-off of vital machines and components.
Keeping greases and oils free of contamination goes a long way to protecting machinery and keeping it well-lubricated. Contamination comes in many forms such as; dust, dirt, fly-ash, water and even other incompatible greases.
Dry contaminants can cause the grease to thicken and lose its lubrication properties when it becomes too thick to reach the bearings it is destined for. Some greases are also prone to hardening which can cause them to become ‘caked’ onto equipment, eventually creating a jam and resulting in bearing failures, This often happens with greases that have low-viscosity bases when they are put under strain in high temperatures. If this happens the oil will boil out of the thickener which in turn will dry out and harden.
A good indicator that your grease is ‘caking’ is by noticing that soft grease is being fed into a bearing but seeing only oil emerge from the exhaust port. The best way to avoid this happening is through close monitoring and early detection of the problem.
Keeping lubricants free from contamination requires strict producers to ensure environmental pollutants are kept away from the pure substances. It is advised to keep grease containers in clean, dry places and to keep them sealed at all times.
When topping up always use a proper container that is sealed from the environment and has a built in spout and hand pump. Our lube-shuttle grease gun is designed for fast grease application without the risk of cross contamination.
Browse the AID Lubricants web store for a full range of high quality greases and accessories.