As the cold snap bites back for a second time over the winter months and many places seeing a light dusting of frost and even snow in areas, it raises the question of how to properly manage your heating oil in order to keep your home warm.
It is no secret that freezing conditions majorly affect the local road system, which in periods of particularly bad weather can stop even a large oil tanker from transporting fuel safely, preventing a delivery. It is generally recommended to keep an eye on the forecast for the coming weeks and plan ahead if your tank requires a top up - it’s better to be safe than sorry! Being part of our Smart Alert service removes the need for planning as we monitor your fuel and schedule a priority delivery in order to ensure you don’t run out of fuel.
Dark nights provide less than inviting conditions to be outside dipping a heating oil tank with a garden cane, and can be extremely dangerous. The easiest way to measure the fuel you have left is with a small monitor that emits wirelessly into your home - which can also help alert you to any oil theft and encourage you to be more economical with the fuel being able to see your usage. The visibility in your home and audible alarm can also help to prevent a costly runout.
Explore our fuel monitors online.
Kerosene has a shelf life just like any other fuel. Once it passes this shelf life it can begin to wax which can create catastrophic and expensive issues for your heating system or AGA. If you only order once per year it is recommended to purchase a better quality fuel such as Kerosene Plus, with a longer shelf life it provides a cleaner burn and additives to protect essential components in your system.
There’s nothing worse than coming home to a cold house with no hot water, top up early to ensure you beat the cold snap! Quote and order online or call us on 01543 506117.